Network Security & Web Filtering

Rawstream Web Filtering Registry Keys

The Rawstream Web Filtering agent functionality can be configured using registry keys.

The agent reads the registry keys from HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\rawstream\user-agent on 64-bit Windows and HKLM\SOFTWARE\rawstream\user-agent on 32-bit Windows.

Account Token

Name: accttoken
Type: REG_SZ

Account token is used to link the agent with an account. When the agent is installed manually, setup writes the account token.

Set the account token key when before a mass deployment of the agent msi.

Proxy Settings

Name: forceproxy

By default the agent overrides the system-wide proxy settings when it starts up. The override is cleared when the agent is stopped.

To prevent the agent from changing the system proxy settings, set the forceproxy to 0.

This key is usually used with the servepac key.

PAC Support

Name: servepac

The Rawstream agent can serve a PAC script. To enable serving the PAC script set the servepac key to 1. PAC URL is http://localhost:8999/rawstream.pac.

The default PAC served:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
  if (url.substring(0, 6) == "https:") {
    return "PROXY";

  if (url.substring(0, 5) == "http:") {
    return "PROXY";

  // for all other protocols, skip proxy
  return "DIRECT";

Where [[HTTPSPORT]]and [[HTTPPORT]] are replaced with the HTTPS and HTTP ports that the agent is listening on.

If proxy-exceptions key is set the PAC served (domain list is an example):

function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
  var domain_list = new Array("domainA.com","domainB.com","*.local");
  for( var i = 0; i < domain_list.length; i++ )
    if( shExpMatch(host, domain_list[i]) )
      return 'DIRECT';

  if (url.substring(0, 6) == "https:") {
    return "PROXY";

  if (url.substring(0, 5) == "http:") {
    return "PROXY";

  // for all other protocols, skip proxy
  return "DIRECT";

If pacscript-exclude-ip-subnet key is set the PAC script will add exceptions for the IP/subnet.

The agent can also serve a PAC script from registry key or read from file. If more than one source is specified the agent will serve in the following order:
- registry key: pacscript
- registry key: pacscript-file
- default script

Note Setting this key implicitly sets forceproxy to 0; the agent will not override the system proxy settings when it is set to serve the PAC script.

PAC Server Port

Name: pacserverport

The port on which to serve the PAC script. Use the pacserverport key to override the default port.

Default port is 8999.

Last updated Jun 20 2020
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